1、 猴子翻译英语
2、 猴子英语怎么读
3、 小猴子公主译成英语
小猴子公主。英语:The princess of little 旦碃测度爻道诧权超护monkey.
4、 猴子的英语怎么写
monkey 猴子
5、 看图写英语:一只猴子在盒子上
a monkey is on the box.
6、 用英语描述猴子的习性
猴子Monkey is a commonly known. Primates in many animals we call monkey. 1 mammalia primates head. The groups most other animals, the brain is developed; eyes toward the front of the orbital space narrow; hands and feet of the toe (finger) to separate the thumb and flexible, with most of the other toe (finger) on the grip. Including the original monkeys and apes suborder suborder. Suborder face like the original Monkey Fox; no cheek pouches and hip corpus callosum; forelimbs shorter than hind legs, thumb and big toe developed, with other fingers (toes) relative; tail can curl or absent. Suborder apes face like people; mostly with cheek pouches and hip corpus callosum; mostly longer than the hind limb, and some degradation of the big toe; tail length, and some can be curly, and some no tail. Distribution by region or nose structure, and apes are divided into broad sub-nosed monkeys head group, also known as New World monkeys; narrow nose monkey group, also known as Old World monkeys. The project includes 51 genera and 11 families of about 180 species, mainly distributed in Asia, Africa and the Americas warm areas. Most of the forest habitat. Pr姬害灌轿弑计鬼袭邯陋imates is the biggest gorilla size, weight up to 275 kilograms, the smallest is the Japanese monkey, weighing only 70 grams. MonkeyTree branch with some very primitive skull features of the original monkeys is quite similar to many anatomists and paleontologists had left it, including within the primates, but its morphology and e……余下全文
7、 那只猴子会打乒乓球吗?的英语
Can the monkey 涪袱帝惶郜耗佃同顶括play table tennis?那只猴子会打乒乓球吗?
8、 她的玩具猴子很漂亮你的呢用英语怎
Her toy monkey is very beautiful, what about y单筏厕禾丿鼓搽态敞卡ou她的玩具猴子很漂亮你的呢
9、 你是猴子请来的逗比么~用英语怎么写~
Are you the 怠护糙咎孬侥茬鞋长猫dumb ass invited by the monkey?你是猴子请来的逗比吗?
10、 看,那只猴子多胖的英语怎么说?可以很快会呢?
你好!看,那只猴子多胖Lo笭怠蒂干郦妨垫施叮渐ok, the monkey is more fat