










  • 汽车在中国属于垄断竞争市场还是完全竞争市场,或者是别的?理由是?
  • 完全竞争市场


  • 6.以下不属于垄断竞争市场特征的是()A.生产集团中有大量的企业生产有差别的同种产品,这些产品彼此之间都是非常接近的替代品B.厂商的竞争手段是多种多样的,但市场价格相对稳定C.进入和退出生产集团比较容易D.每个厂商都认为自己的行为影响很小,不会引起竞争对手的注意和反应,因而自己也不会受到竞争对手的报复措施的影响
  • 全部都是。

微观经济学问题, 为什么垄断竞争市场短期均衡点对应的价格和产量正好是d需求曲线和D需求曲线所对应的

  • 微观经济学问题, 为什么垄断竞争市场短期均衡点对应的价格和产量正好是d需求曲线和D需求曲线所对应的价格和产量啊?
  • 基于厂商对市场垄断的假设!!!


  • 高鸿业西方经济学,第七章不完全竞争市场的第一节垄断看不懂,能讲一下书中的逻辑吗,还有这一章节的重点内容是什么呢?
  • 这不是我在知道提的问题吗。。。。


  • 例如,某公司X了一项专利,成为唯一生产a产品的公司,而几年后专利到期,竞争者加入市场,会对市场需求曲线造成影响吗?如果有影响,市场需求曲线怎么变化?
  • 一方面向下平移,一方面转动垄断市场之所以能产生超额利润,最根本的原因就在于,垄断厂商面临的是向下倾斜的需求曲线。此时,总收入=产量x价格,其中价格是产量的函数(一般来讲这里的价格由厂商所面临的需求曲线所决定,随产量的增加而下降,即价格对产量的导数小于0),由微积分知识可推知边际收入一般应该小于价格,因此边际成本(应等于边际收入)也小于价格。更具体地说,此时边际成本(边际收入)的确定不仅依赖于当前价格,也依赖于消费者对厂商需求的价格X。


  • 一个同质物品市场价格需求曲线在竞争条件下和在垄断条件下有什么不同?最好有图或者链接说明。
  • 同质条件下竞争,价格是w形的,垄断情况下价格是平移向上的。


  • 能通俗点说说这是怎么回事吗
  • 通俗的解释:完全竟争市场中,因为竞争的存在,企业是根据平均成本最低点所决定的产量进行生产,社会产品的产量多。垄断竞争企业中,因为垄断企业在垄断了全部市场供给的,降低供给,产品才能供不应求,抬高价格,从而获得最大利润。利润最大化时的生产能力对于社会来说不是最优生产能力,而是低于最优生产能力,此时垄断竞争企业就产生了多余的生产能力。


  • Draw and explain the shape of the demand curve a firm faces in a perfectly competitive market vs monopoly. Explain carefully how it gets such a shaped demand curve. Who is a price-taker? Who is a price-maker?What does the shape of the individual firm’s demand curve imply about their respective marginal revenue curve? Draw both marginal revenue curve and demand curve together for each market structure, and explain carefully how it gets such a shaped marginal revenue curve.Using your responses to the above questions, compare the firm’s profit maximizing price and quantity level between the two market structures. Specifically, use the example of a monopoly who enjoys the first 10 year of exclusive patent right, after which everyone can access the technology for free. If possible, show the change of the market equilibrium price and quantity before and after the patent expiration in one graph.
  • 1.In a perfect competitive firm, the demand curve is a straight line, because of the market power, the firm can always increase the quantity of the product, but the price is set, and they have no control of the price and cannot change the price. They are a price-taker, because they can only use the market price that is already provided.In a Monopoly firm, the demand curve is downward sloping, because since they are the only firm that sells the product, so they are facing the market demand curve, because to sell more product they need to reduce the price, if the price is high, the demand will decrease. So they are a price-maker.2.For individual firm the demand and MR curve is the same because the firm can increase Q without lower in P, so the revenue each additional unit sold is equal to the market price. (MR=P).For Monopoly firm, MR drop faster than P when you try to sell more, we can prove this because P=a+bQ and MR= a+2Bq. So MR is less than P.3.Patents on new drugs will be a temporary monopoly to the seller. However, when the patent expires, the market will not be monopoly any more, and generics appear, more product produced and cause price drops. During monopoly period the Pm is the highest and company can earn a lot of profit due to limited quantity, but when patents expires, everyone enter the market and become competitive cause Quantity increase Qm to Qc and price drop from Pm TO Pc