孙悟空借芭蕉扇(Happi Show丨美国小朋友讲中华故事:孙悟空借芭蕉扇(一))



家家 这是芭蕉扇吗?对 哦芭蕉扇 孙悟空要找你借扇子了对 孙悟空借芭蕉扇的故事 我猜对了Once upon a time从前There four friends they were gonna travel west 有四个朋友 他们要到西方To get  treasure and stuff they needed去找宝藏But there was a volcano in their way但有一个火山挡了他们的路So but a palm leaf princess lived in a cave 有一个铁扇公主 住在一个X里And she had a magical palm leaf fan她有一个有魔法的芭蕉扇If she blew at it seven times 扇七下One two three four five six seven一二三四五六七It would stop火山就会停下For couple days or for ever几天还是永远?um for couple days but if she did it 49 times就几天 但如果她扇49下的话Don’t perform it please不要演啊One two three four five skip a few 49一二三四五跳过几个四十九And it would be gone forever火山就永远灭了So the friend had to go over to her vave所以那几个朋友去了她的X里Happi who are the four friend家家 那四个朋友是谁A monkey a pig a monk一只猴子 一只猪A monk and a musk ox一个和尚 和一只麝牛What no it’s another human什么?那是个普通人类好不好Oh a human好吧 人类And the monkey volunteered to go to the cave那个猴子自告奋勇去Because he is the best at magic因为他法力最强吗?Yeah well not the best at magic对 呃 其实不对 他不是法力最强的But he could shape shift但它可以变Yeah he is really good at magic对他会七十二变So he walked over to the palm princess所以他去找了铁扇公主 And he was like 他就问Princess may i borrow your fan公主 我可以借一下扇子吗?The first she was like她第一反应就是不同意No no of course not当然不行啦This is very magical and my son is trapped in jail这么贵重 而且我儿子被关起来了So he like and he’s like please猴子就问真的不行吗?She’s like no so she fanned him out of her cave她又拒绝了 一扇子把它扇了出去Then he his friend孙悟空的朋友Were like here the a magic pill 给了他一个定风丹You cannot be blown away  by the fan any more这样就芭蕉扇吹不了So he ate the magic pill pill他就把定风丹吃了They got a magic pill from his friends他从朋友那里拿到了定风丹Yes and he ate it 对啊 他服下了定风丹So然后And somebody gave you  a rose那玫瑰花是别人送给你的吗?Your boyfriend你男朋友吗?Huh? Your boyfriend gave you a rose啥?你男朋友送给你的花吗Na not exactly不是啦Um I just found it on the street呃 街上捡到的Ok get back to the story how about that继续讲故事吗Um so he walked in 他又去In that palm leaf princess again找了铁扇公主He was like palm princess 他对铁扇公主说Can  i borrow your fan我能借一下扇子吗?She was like again?铁扇公主白了一眼 你又来了And fan fan 然后随手扇了两下Cause he couldn’t move孙悟空没被扇跑He was like nanana-booboo他得意洋洋的XEND

